Money Wise

Course outline

Gain new skills and knowledge to help identify and manage your household finances and create simple household budgets to live within your means.

This course aims to equip participants with the skills and confidence to manage everyday expenses and financial transactions. This will be beneficial in the current climate of financial pressures on some households due to the continued rise in the cost of living.

Course delivery

Commences: TBA
Completion: 1TBA
Day: TBA (2 sessions)
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Fee: $50 ($40* Concession) *Eligibility criteria applies

Course outline

Topics covered include: 

∙ Creating a simple personalised budget

∙ Identify income and expenses

∙ Manage everyday expenses

∙ Understand purchase transactions

∙ Living within your means

∙ How ‘credit’ works

. On-line banking

. Financial safety awareness

. Build confidence and awareness of own finances

Next steps

Contact Laurels Education & Training:

  • Monday to Friday (9am - 4pm) at 229 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh.

  • Phone (03) 5367 1061 or email


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